Monday, April 5, 2021

Inspiration Station Challenge #3

Hello and Welcome to the Inspiration Station...a Challenge Blog for all types of Mediums. Our Challenges are the 1st and 3rd Monday of the Month and we hope to bring you lots of fun and inspiration to get your Creative Juices flowing.

Without Further Adoo..Einstein's Winner for Challenge #2 is:

#19 - Carol Gill

Congratulations Carol!  Your intrepretation of the Inspiration Photo was very clever, Well Done!
Please contact Donna within 7 days to claim your prize and don't forget to grab the Winner's Badge for your Blog.

and Einstein's Top Picks are:

#2 - Chris

#6 - Aussie Annie

#25 - Margreet

Einstein had a difficult time picking Favorites, there were some awesome entries so Well Done Ladies!  
Be sure to grab your Badge located in the Sidebar and display it proudly on your blogs!

Now on to the Challenge:

Our Challenge starts with the following Photo. How does it inspire you?  Florals, Seasons, Colors, Outdoors, Gardens, Special Occasions?  Your intrepretation of the Inspirational Photo is your own so let your Creativity Flow! Remember, to be eligible for the Prize, Please **Let us know in your blog or Social Media Post how the Photo Inspired You.

The Prize this Challenge is a $5 Gift Certificate from Power Poppy by Marcella Hawley

Following are Einstein's Posse and their Intrepretations of the Inspiration Photo:

Now it's your turn to Be Inspired. Please review our Rules prior to entering and enter your project below by clicking the Linky Tools.
This challenge will end 6:00 P.M. (18:00) Sunday 18 April 2021 and the new challenge will start Monday, 19 April 2021. Have Fun Creating!


  1. Thank you for choosing my wine bottle label as a winner and congrats to Chris,Annie and Margreet
    Carol x

    1. Congratulations Carol! I'll be reaching out to you soon with your Prize!

  2. Hmmm flowers..... But on an upside you have a players badge. Awesome. Hugz

  3. Wonderful DT works, cute images and pretty colours!

    hugs and stay safe
    Kleido’s BastelStüble
    *Owner* Do-Al(l) Kreatives
    *Owner* Easter-Fun Challenge Blog
    *List Manager* Challenges for Days
    *DT* Sweet Sketch Wednesday 2

  4. Thank you for the challenge. Lovely work by the design team.

    1. You're welcome Granmargaret and thanks for playing!


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Welcome to the Inspiration Station...a Challenge Blog for all types of Mediums. We hope to bring you lots of inspiration to get those Creati...