Monday, December 6, 2021

Inspiration Station Challenge #19 - Star Light, Star Bright

Hello and Welcome to the Inspiration Station...a Challenge Blog for all types of Mediums. Our Challenges are the 1st and 3rd Monday of the Month and we hope to bring you lots of fun and inspiration to get your Creative Juices flowing.

Before we get to the Winner and Top 3 of Challenge #18, we have an announcement.  The Inspiration Station is currently holding a Design Team Call.  We are seeking creative, crafty and fun-loving individuals to join our team.  The commitment is 2 projects a month.  If this interests you, please email a short bio and at least 4 examples of your best work to Donna @

Please put IS Design Team in the Subject Line.  DT Experience is NOT necessary.

Now, without Further Adoo..Einstein's Randomly Drawn Winner for Challenge #18 is:

#14 - Rosi

Congratulations Rosi!  Please contact Donna with your details within 14 days to claim your prize and don't forget to grab the Winner's Badge for your Blog.
Einstein's Top Picks:

#7 - Niki1

#20 - Emma T.

#22 - Silke

Thanks for playing, we appreciate your support.

Now on to the Challenge:

Our Challenge starts with the following Photo. How does it inspire you?  Colors, Images, Seasons, Travels, Holidays, Adventures?  Your intrepretation of the Inspirational Photo is your own so let your Creativity Flow! 
Remember, to be eligible for the Prize, Please **Let us know in your blog or Social Media Post how the Photo Inspired You.

The Prize this Challenge are 2 Digi Stamps of your choice from Sheepski Designs by Andrea Norris.

Following are Einstein's Posse and their Intrepretations of the Inspiration Photo:

Now it's your turn to inspire us.  Enter your project below by clicking the Linky Tools.  This challenge will end 6:00 P.M. (18:00 EUC) Sunday 19 December 2021 and the new challenge will start Monday, 20 December 2021.  Be Inspired, Spread the Word and Happy Crafting!


  1. Thank you so much for choosing my card !
    Congrats to the winner and ladies of the TOP 3
    Greetings from Monique (niki1)

  2. WOW thank you for a top pick spot, thats made my day! Congrats to the winner and other top picks and thank you for running a brilliant challenge for us to join in.Emmax

  3. Congrats to the winners and a talented DT! Lots of inspiration to enjoy!


Thanks for stopping by! We appreciate your comments.

Inspiration Station October 2024 - Inspiration Prompt #66

Welcome to the Inspiration Station...a Challenge Blog for all types of Mediums. We hope to bring you lots of inspiration to get those Creati...