Monday, January 2, 2023

Inspiration Station - Inspiration Prompt #45

Welcome to the Inspiration Station...a Challenge Blog for all types of Mediums. We hope to bring you lots of inspiration to get those Creative Juices flowing. 

Happy New Year to you and yours!  We wish 2023 brings you health and prosperity.

Learn from yesterday. Live for today. Hope for tomorrow.
– Albert Einstein

There are a few minor changes to the challenge this year:

  • We are now a MONTHLY challenge, beginning the 1st Monday of the month and ending on the last day of each month.
  • You are allowed 8 entries per month.
  • We will no longer title our challenges.  The Inspiration Photo will be the only prompt given and you intrepret it in your own way.
AND ----->  We're having a Design Team Call.  If you would like to join our team, please contact Donna HERE with a short bio and a few examples of your work.  Please add "Inspiration Station DT Call" in your subject line  No prior DT experience required!

Before we get to the challege inspiration, let's announce the Winner and Top 3 from the last challenge.

The 2 Randomly Drawn Winners of Challenge #44 are:


# 2 - Julene and #7 Carrie Sheridan

Congratulations Julene and Carrie!   These are fantastic projects, thanks for playing along.

Please contact Donna within 14 days HERE to claim your prize.  

And the Top 3 Entries are:

#13 - iluvscrapping2

#17 - Deanne

#27 - Beverly S.

Congratulations to our Top 3 and Thanks to everyone who played along last challenge.  We appreciate your support!

Now on to Challenge #45

Our Challenge starts with the following Photo. How does it inspire you?  Colors, Images, Seasons, Travels, Holidays, Adventures, Memories?  Your interpretation of the Inspirational Photo is your own so let your Creativity Flow! 
Remember, to be eligible for the Prize, Please **Let us know in your blog or Social Media Post how the Photo Inspires You.

The Prize this Challenge is a Swirling Hearts Stencil from Creative Expressions
(prize provided by challenge admin and not a sponsored prize)
Everyone is eligible, no matter your location.

Now, let's check out the Design Team and their Inspiration Projects:

Now it's your turn to inspire us.  Enter your project below by clicking the Linky Tools.  This challenge will end 11:59 P.M. (18:00 EUC) Tuesday 31 January 2023 and a new challenge will start Monday, 06 February 2023.  Be Inspired, Spread the Word and Happy Crafting!


  1. Grateful to be one of the random draws this time! Thanks so much! Congratulations to the other winners, and prayers for a very blessed new year for everyone!

  2. Thank you for picking my card for one of the Top 3. Enjoy playing along with your challenges. Contrats to the winners and other Top 3.

  3. Are you in need of financial assistance?
    I'm writing from Scotland I would recommend Dr Pedro  a loan lender that grant me a loan of 490,000 Pounds to innovate my business with the loan repayment of 4 years on a loan rate of 3% annual return and I have been paying for the loan now for about 2 years and I have also recommend Dr Pedro to my sister which she was also grant a loan so I will say Dr Pedro is a financial supporter with an understanding and kind situations.Dr Pedro email contact is


Thanks for stopping by! We appreciate your comments.

Inspiration Station October 2024 - Inspiration Prompt #66

Welcome to the Inspiration Station...a Challenge Blog for all types of Mediums. We hope to bring you lots of inspiration to get those Creati...